Saturday, May 15, 2010


I’ve been thinking a lot about the Holy Spirit recently. Several people I know, in addition to the staff, have been reading a book about this aspect of God’s personality, and because of that I’ve found myself in conversations about what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We also have a three week series starting up this Sunday on the subject. And coming up is Pentecost, the day the Spirit came upon the disciples and the church was officially “born.” It’s a nice convergence to have all these different threads coming together.

Some people may think that the Holy Spirit is a New Testament phenomenon, but the Spirit of God permeates scripture, from the very beginning of creation itself in the first chapter of the Bible (Genesis 1:2) to the end times in the very last chapter of the Bible (Revelation 22:17). He is not “new” to the Trinity, but has been a part of the personality of God forever.

The images of the Holy Spirit captivate me. They are boundary-less and uncontainable: water, cloud, fire, wind, noise, dove. When I think of these images, I realize they all have the ability to expand, to move freely, to touch what they will. I find myself desiring to have the Spirit of God, which I know is in me but is not contained (or controlled) by me, expand and have freedom in my life. I wonder what it is he is creating in me at this moment. And I have that same desire for our church. What would it look like to notice the Spirit’s work more? To see where ministries are expanding and infused with a supernatural power? I hope we learn to develop a better language for calling this out in our midst and in each other. It would be a wonderful encouragement to us all.

I am looking forward to this three week focus, to the chance to retell the story of God from the activity of his Spirit in our lives. Let’s keep looking for and discussing the ways the Spirit is moving among us. It will be exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading this today, almost two months after you wrote it, I wonder where the people are? "I hope we learn to develop a better language for calling this out in our midst and in each other." No one else wonders with you? Is noticing a better language? Is curious about calling this out? Hopefully they bring up the subject with you in some other forum.