Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lent: Saying "yes" to God

Once again we are in the season of Lent. This is an annual observance which helps to prepare us for Holy Week and Easter. The forty days are symbolic of many things: the 40 days of the flood (Gen. 6-8), the 40 days Moses spent on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments (Ex. 24:12-18), the 40 years the Israelites spent wandering in the desert (Num. 13-33), the 40 days of Elijah’s flight to Mt. Horeb (1 Kings 19:1-12), and most significantly, Jesus’ 40 days fasting in the wilderness (Matt 4:1-11; Mark 1:9-12; Luke 4:1-13). I think it’s not coincidental that all of these are journeys that various people took with God, encountering him on his own terms and in the process growing stronger in their knowledge and faith. And this is exactly what we are invited to do. We don’t have to go up a mountain or wander into a desert or seal ourselves in an ark, but we can use the next 40 days to journey with God right where we are. It’s easy to see why fasting is such an integral part of this experience. The more we can strip down our lives of what is excess and diversionary, the more space we make to encounter God and find out what he wants to prepare in our hearts. Whatever we choose to give up, whether it is chocolate or facebook, meat or video games, shopping or TV, our fast goes beyond just saying “no” to ourselves (although that is good and useful) but opens us up to the hunger and thirst that ultimately only God can fill. I think we often focus too much on the “no” of Lent, feeling self-satisfied with our denial and sacrifice, but I like to think instead that Lent is the opportunity to say “yes” to God. To strip away the things that keep God’s movement in our lives at arms length and to invite him to come journey with us and show us what it is he is calling us to as we walk with him from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. How much more joyful is the redemption and life that he offers us when we have looked squarely at our need and been humbled by the very real presence that is with us always? I hope that you will accept the gift that Lent offers and think about saying “yes” to God.