Friday, June 15, 2012

God is Good

Please enjoy a blog post by Elder Ben Harrison:

Last weekend Mike closed the sermon discussing how Paul might have experienced the goodness of God in all his hardships.  This is a subject that resonates with me.  I feel that God keeps drawing me into a deeper understanding of how good He really is.

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home.  We went to church and Sunday school.  I was taught early in my life that God is good, and if asked, I would have answered that He was.  Even so, I was afraid that God might not be trustworthy.  I mean, what if He required some major sacrifice from me such as becoming a missionary or serving people in some way that I did not like.

About ten years ago I attended a Renovare conference sponsored at Oak Hills.   Something wonderful happened to me during that weekend.  When it was over, I wasn’t afraid any longer about what God might require of me.  Instead, I became fearful of what I might miss out on if I wasn’t willing to obey God in whatever He asked.  I switched (I believe through a merciful gift from God), from fearing God’s required obedience to fearing my lack of obedience.  I don’t know if it is possible describe the impact that has made on my relationship with God.
Just recently God has reminded me of His goodness in a way that surprised me.  In the last few weeks I have struggled through a particular circumstance.  The specifics are not as important as what I am learning.  I felt as if I was on a forced journey; on a path which I did not choose and which I did not want to take.  That path lead me to a point of profound sorrow; almost a grieving (including tears, etc).  At one point, I prayed for God to rescue me.  Almost immediately, I felt an answer.  God was lovingly allowing me to feel His sorrow in what is a very sorrowful situation.  I understood He is much more mournful about this problem than I am.  In His goodness, He allowed me to feel a little bit of what He feels.  I sensed His goodness, a gift from Him, even though I was deeply sad.  How extraordinary.  I pray that all of us will continue to discover more deeply how wonderfully good God is, in all circumstances.