Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Time for Family

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens
Ecclesiastes 3:1

I have been reading the book of Ecclesiastes lately and it begs the question, “What season am I in?” This summer is definitely the season of reestablishing connections in my own life. My two college age children will both be home for the summer by the end of June, we have just spent a fun weekend with Ben’s college roommate and his wife and in a few days our wonderful friends from Australia will be here with their three children to visit the States and attend a wedding. There are trips planned to visit my sister and her family, and my brother’s family will all be here for several days next month. To top it all off, my 30th High School reunion is in a couple of weeks and in many cases I will be seeing old friends for the first time in a decade. So, definitely, a summer of family and friends!

We on the Elder Board also try to grapple with the question, “What season are we in?” There is a sense that the life of our church is also in a season of family and connection. I have had this feeling of community ever since our joint service and all-church BBQ earlier this month. There was a wonderful sense of us gelling together into the people of Oak Hills Church that was energizing and gave me that “family reunion” sort of feeling. It is especially welcome right now as we face a faltering economy together. Many in our church body are currently looking for work and need the support and encouragement of their church family. If you come anywhere near a news source you will hear how charitable giving is on the decline across the nation, and of course that is affecting us and what we can do as a church as well. But despite the grim forecasts about the future, we have incredible resources in each other. In this season of community I would encourage you to deepen your connection to one another – invite a family over for a BBQ or meet up at the park, join an MSG or small group, become part of a team at the church, and as you spend time with people this summer be intentional about being an encouragement to them, praying for them, and letting them creep into your heart.

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